Our lab studies structure-function relationships of enzymes involved in bacterial pathogenesis as well as those involved in pollutant, mycotoxins or steroid degradation.
Read about our research in the news:
Undergraduate research project student positions
There are short-term projects available for undergraduate students from the Microbiology, Biochemistry or MB&G program as part of the course requirements. Co-op positions are also available.
Graduate Student Positions
Applications are invited from prospective graduate students (MSc/ PhD) with academic and/or laboratory experience in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology or Microbiology. We are studying enzymes involved in steroid degradation that are potential targets for development of antibiotics against tuberculosis.
Please email a letter of intent, updated CV, University transcripts and the names and addresses of 2 referees to Dr. Stephen Seah . Competitive stipends are available for Canadian citizens or permanent residents. International students will only be considered if they intend to pursue a PhD degree.
Dr. Stephen Seah
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
University of Guelph
Guelph, ON N1G 2W1
Office: Science Complex 4250